Miniature Schnauzer, BC
Past Puppies
Below are some photos and comments from families who have purchased one of our Miniature Schnauzer, BC pups. We are very grateful to have so many wonderful families adding one of our fur babies to their family!


Hi Catherine,
Gordon (Simba) from Lilly/Nike litter turned a year old a few weeks ago and thought we would share a few photos and let you know that he is doing so well and we can’t imagine life without him – he has been such a great addition to our family! Loves going on walks and adventures just as much as snuggles in bed.
Always fun to see the new puppies on your IG – we still think we got the best one!
Thank you!
A note to wish you & your family a safe & wonderful Christmas, & to tell you that you are responsible for us having a joyous early Christmas with the addition of Lulu, Rio’s granddaughter to our family.
She has been with us just over a week, & has fit right in & won all our hearts. Words can’t express how grateful I am to you for your involvement in making this happen. You may not remember Sarah’s wish that she get a descendent of Rio’s – but now her wish has been fulfilled in the best possible way.

Dear Catherine,

Brigitte St-Hilaire

Kathy & Greg
Hi Catherine,
We have to tell you that Daisy has exceeded all of our expectations!
We were prepared for disruptions to our sleep and for our lives to be a bit chaotic as we all adjust to each other. In all honesty, other than whining for a few minutes as we drove away from your home, she has been a dream puppy. She eats and drinks well, pees and poos outside, plays hard, and has been sleeping soundly thru the night from day one. She seems so mature for 8+ weeks! It really is a testament to your great rearing and training. She has a high sense of adventure and determination but loves to cuddle and shows so much affection.
We feel very fortunate to have her in our life and wanted to thank you for all that you and your staff do to produce such wonderful puppies.
All the best,
Mike & Haesung

Jenn & Rio

Morning Catherine!

Hi Catherine,
Just an update for Millie. She is doing awesome! She is such a card. I think she’s the most hilarious dog I’ve ever had. Total ham! Which is good because we found our senior Schnauzer is dying of cancer. He has lymphoma and the tumor has tripled in size in a month.
I think Millie was fortuitous for our family. She’s brought a light into ours lives. Thomas has grown very close to her and they sleep together All the time. Thomas’ energy isn’t what it was in the Fall but Millie definitely understands he’s sick. She gives him lots of kisses and goes pretty much where he goes. We are truly blessed she’s a part of our family. We couldn’t have picked out a better companion for us all.
Thanks again so much for making it possible to have an amazing little girl!! We absolutely love her.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
Cora, Zack, Thomas & Millie

Hi Catherine!

Analia and Ozzy

Hi Catherine,
We would like to thank you for breeding such a special puppy. Jack is so lovable, calm and playful. I get so many compliments on how calm and peaceful he is to have around and how excited he is to see everyone, especially kids. When I take him on a walk in the park near our house and he sees children, he will sit on the grass and watch them play hoping that they will come over to pet and play with him.
Everyone comments on his color and his beautiful eyes. I am always telling everyone who the breeder is and where to find you on Facebook and your website.
When you do videos with the new puppies and call them with “pup, pup, puppies”, his head perks up and he looks around for you and the puppies. We really enjoy his reaction to them.
Sharon & Harry

Hi Catherine, Just have to share! Gracie is the most adaptable, adorable little girl. Thank you for a lovely pup!
Apart from minor whining when I put her into her carry-crate for a nap yesterday afternoon, she’s taking her new life in stride. Her carry crate fits inside the sturdy one, so she slept there last night in a small barricaded area of the room with her potty patch accessible. She stirred a few times, but didn’t ask to go out until 7 and hadn’t even used the potty patch! Such a clever little thing. Of course, she then leapt out the door directly into a snowbank and needed rescuing.
There’s not been a single pee inside so far, but the wind is too cold to keep her out long enough to pooh, so she finally went inside. However, that was right ON the potty patch that she’d ignored since she arrived. You did a truly fabulous job with her!
Also, she has the following instinct you’d once mentioned. Gracie is a little shadow inside and out, and is very focused on us.
Thank you again, for a delightful little girl!

Hi Catherine!
Penny has been awesome!! She and Razz became best friends in 1/2 of a day. You wouldn’t believe how much they have played. Penny has stolen the hearts of the Vet clinic and the pet store cause we had to get her a coat and she was terrific. She has been eating well and she has used the “Potty Patch” and the great outdoors. She had one accident but it was our fault cause I didn’t understand the cue yet. She has also discovered the “puppy in the mirror” – she is intrigued by the movement and can’t figure out how this puppy hides so fast. The vet asked me to give her your card and I am doing that. Your puppy has made quite the impression. She has fit right into our lives like she has always been there. You could not have picked a better pup for us.
Thank you again.
Joyce, Arnel, Penny and Razzle.

Morning momma Betts!
(Feb 10/22)
I’m doing great, I’m growing like a weed, I’m all gangly legs at the moment, but it won’t be long before my body catches up.
I’ve been travelling all over but prefer the warmth of the southern states to this Canadian winter. I love to play in the snow and do until mom says it’s too cold.
I got some fancy boots and although I don’t like to put them on I have mastered walking in them, so I can go for longer walks when it is super cold (usually 5 minutes)
I haven’t had any “accidents” in the truck since Christmas.
My mom says I’m an adolescent and am proving it by rebelling at times but she pretty much keeps me in line.
I’m learning to walk properly on a leash now, but that one’s going to take some time because there’s always so much to sniff.
Mom& Dad say I am so wonderful and love and spoil me to bits.
(Mar 17/22)
Just sending you a quick note to let you know how great I’m doing.
We’re in Calgary moving into our forever house this weekend, I’m loving the big space to run around in.
I went to daycare yesterday, and got a perfect report card, I was so well behaved and got along with everyone.
Went to the Dr. this morning, and again everyone loves me, so much that they took my picture and want to post it on their social media site.
Well gotta run and get into some shenanigans.
Love, Rupert

Wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying having Piper! We never stop laughing he is such a character!
We took him to our vet at Capilano Pet hospital in North Van, this past Monday. They went nuts thought he was so cute. I laughed cuz right away before I said anything the vet said he is mostly schnauzer but what else? I said he is all schnauzer and explained the coloring to her. She had never seen that before. He also was completely healthy just like your vet said. She again went over the vaccination schedule.
The first few nights we were up every 2 hours and he did pee outside each time but now he is sleeping from 1030 pm to 6 in the morning so has adjusted to being on his own with out his mom and siblings. He pretty much is house broken you did most of it.
He is so friendly and even on Halloween never reacted to fire crackers or fireworks on our block. You really made him used to loud sounds. He wants to be outside all day everyday. Doesn’t matter if it is raining he is out there. His little white paws are green from rolling and playing in the grass so needless to say we are going to give him a bath! He loves his crate no problems at night and during the day he wanders in there for naps.
Yesterday I had to go to the dental surgeon for an hour so Piper got left in his crate that time. He did fine. He has the run of 2 big rooms when we are home otherwise we are with him when he goes around the house. Hasn’t mastered the stairs yet.
Can’t thank you enough Catherine. Piper is off to a great start and we are having a ball with him. All the neighbors love him already! Every morning he sits on the front lawn watching all the cars leave and then he whimpers! He is such a social butterfly like you said!
Will send some pics as he gets older. I will book a grooming apt. in the next while. We comb him everyday and there never seems to be any tangles! So thanks again, he has stolen our hearts already!
Debbie Milne

Hi Catherine,
We’ve been thinking about you and can’t thank you enough for the joy that you have provided in our life.
We got a Java and Bentley, blue collared, puppy in late June and haven’t looked back. We can’t imagine our life without Whelan. He has been such a great addition to our family. We would like to give you credit for raising Whelan and providing him with the foundation to such a wonderful start to his life. As a result of your efforts the transition for Whelan and for us seemed effortless. He came to us very brave and accepting. We anticipated that Whelan would have exhibited behaviors due to leaving his “pack” , but he settled in quite comfortably.
Whelan is very good with our two kids and they love him dearly. Shockingly, my husband is the biggest suck when it comes to Whelan; he absolutely adores him. My time with Whelan is typically spent walking, cuddling, and grooming him “I find him very calming”. He has learned the commands of sit, shake a paw, down, up, and be gentle.
As far as house training goes he’s almost accident free, other than those times that are owner inflicted. Recently we tried leaving Whelan at home on his own without being in his pen (I was extremely nervous), but to my surprise he did extremely well. In the past, leaving Whelan was a bit of an ordeal; reason being is that we needed to get the pen all set up and he would cry until a few minutes after we had left (we felt heartbroken). Now when we leave he has free range of the house and hasn’t made a peep when we’ve left and the house is just as we left it. Whelan is very social. He interacts well with a wide range of animals and people. However, there are times that he needs to take a step back and give the person or animal the time that they need to feel comfortably in the situation. We’re hoping with time and training (without losing his drive in being so friendly) he’ll learn to hold back until he’s given permission.
We’d also like to mention that he does great while travelling and because of the crate training that you started and we’ve continued he’s done great in a variety of overnight situations. As you can see in the attached photo’s he is growing beautifully. His coloring is adorable and his size is perfect for us (he’s a bit bigger than we expected, but we wouldn’t change a thing). We take him to get groomed every couple months and keep his shots up to date. He’s a happy and healthy puppy.
Thanks again!